Beets Don't Kale My Vibe!


The festive season is often a time when we allow ourselves to indulge in a few treats. It is almost impossible to eat healthy at this time of year with so many invites to family gatherings and festive parties although it is doable. After allowing myself a few treats over this period, my mind and body are already craving fresh fruit and vegetables despite the cold weather. I thought it would be a good idea to mix up a smoothie that is satisfying and nourishing whilst helping to detoxify and reset my digestive system. I chose to incorporate an equal ratio of fruits to vegetables (preferably organic where possible) as well as supplementing with protein in this smoothie and it certainly hit the spot! not only this it also was a rather fetching colour of red, very seasonal indeed. Here is hoping everyone is enjoying the holidays.


2 to 3 stalks of celery 
1 and a half  whole beetroot
1 Apple (red variety)
1 Pear
2 slices of fresh ginger
2 tbsp  plant protein powder
1tbsp chia seeds
250ml filtered water or nut milk of choice


Chop all the fruit and vegetables into small pieces
Add to the blender, food processor or smoothie maker
Add the ginger and chia seeds followed by water of nut milk of choice.
Blend the mixture until the consistency is smooth.
pour into a container of choice and drink up!

~E xx

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© Peonies & Passionfruit Maira Gall.