Cosy Knits


The weather here has been cold and blustery and with very little sunlight coming through in the daytime, it makes you want to stay indoors with a nice warm fire snuggled underneath a warm fluffy blanket. Luckily I was able to do this today and also took some inspiration to complete some crochet projects I have been working on. I managed to finish off two cowl / infinity scarves and a slouchy beanie hat that is lovely and warm. I love the colours too! greys, cream and taupe a nice palette that reminiscent of warmth and cosiness even when out and about in the unforgiving elements. I love seasonal crafting at this time of year as it gives a sense of wholesomeness and you get to make and share one of a kind unique items handmade by you.

knits ~ by moi!
wool used ~ merino, alpaca and bamboo

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© Peonies & Passionfruit Maira Gall.