Natural Deodorant


I have spent the better part of the last few years looking for an effective natural deodorant and I have tried many with some relative success and some disappointing results. In my research I have come across a lot of DIY recipes but I wanted something that would be suitable for my specific needs. Most of the recipes I came across contained ingredients like baking soda and beeswax which my sensitive skin doesn't deal with too well. For longer than I care to admit I like with many other things have procrastinated with making a deodorant, you know how it is when you make every excuse to yourself not to get on and do something which in actuality is really quite simple. As I was feeling inspired I decided to grab the proverbial bull by its horns and get on with the task of making a deodorant that would be all natural using mainly plant or plant derived ingredients, be effective and non irritating to my sensitive skin. Honestly as a recovering science lab rat I really don't know what I was scared of and how I had left it so long to make this, it was super easy to make and the end result felt and smelt gorgeous. 

The idea of a natural deodorant is to aid the body in the removal of toxins via sweat while keeping us smelling fresh and odour free. An antiperspirant works by introducing certain ingredients into your skin thereby blocking your sweat glands, this stops us from sweating which means the toxins are not released from the body.

I am currently still researching and tweaking things to make the deodorant the best it can be, but at present the recipe below will be my go to for a while. If you do try this, it would be lovely to hear your thoughts on the result and how it has worked for you.

~E xx

DIY Deodorant


1 heaped Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil
1 Tbsp shea butter
1 and 1/2 Tbsp arrowroot powder
1Tbsp unrefined cocoa butter (Optional)
1 Tbsp Candelilla wax (A plant based wax)
1 tsp vitamin E oil or oil from one capsule
30 drops of lemon essential oil (This can be any essential oils of choice although the ones with antibacterial properties are usually best)
25 drops of grapefruit essential oil


In a small glass bowl place the butters and coconut oil as well as the candelilla wax

Place the bowl into a water bath / double boiler or bain marie (A pan with water brought to the boil to gently melt the wax and butters without burning or charring the active ingredients)

As the mixture melts, stir it to ensure the wax melts and you achieve a smooth liquid consistency.

Remove the glass bowl from the water bath and set aside to cool a little

Add in the chosen essential oils followed by vitamin e (optional)

Finally add in your arrowroot powder and stir the mixture until all the powder is absorbed.

Transfer the still warm mixture to a small container or jar and allow it to cool and become solid

Your deodorant is now ready to use!, you only need a little bit as it goes a long way, it should absorb into your skin on application and not be too oily. Your pits will thank you.

DIY plant based deodorant

DIY plant based deodorant

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