You can always count on there being a grey day or several with the notorious British weather. Today was such a day and all I wanted to do was stay indoors keeping warm and get some jobs done as well treating myself. Usually something as small as giving yourself a manicure can do wonders as you feel taken care of and ready to seize the day. When it comes to my nails I am pretty much straightforward I usually wear my nails au naturelle and a manageable length as a busy mother so prettying up my nails is a treat for me. My requirements for some good nail polish is that it should give good coverage, be easy to apply, long wearing, as natural / organic as you can possibly get with a nail polish product and cruelty free. Sounds like mission impossible but I managed to find a product that ticked all my boxes!
Korres is a long standing Greek homoeopathic company, they produce a range of clean products and I have been a long term user of the products for a few years. Their nail polish range is definitely one to try, with it being free from a whopping eleven harmful and toxic ingredients including; parabens,silicones, acetone, formaldehyde to name a few. It actually helps the nails by providing myrrh and oligoelements, it is reasonably priced and has one of the cleanest formulas I've come across recently. I am definitely sticking with this cleaner choice for prettying up my nails without compromising my health.

sweater ~ cashmere and silk Mango
watch ~ Daniel Wellington
Nail polish ~ Light grey #94 Korres
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